Preview of Urban Art Esch by 167bstreet



Chekos’art & AniaK together with Frank Lucignolo as a preview of URBAN ART ESCH coming in 2016

The Kulturfabrik and ArtSquare invited our artists from South Italy to discover the history of the Esch.
4 days of exploration of Esch Alzette, the small city  close to Luxembourg that its past is conected with Italian immigrants  who settled down in the country (towards the end of last century) at the dawn of the Luxembourg industrial age.
Here we have some photos of urban intervention.
Chekos’art and his optical stencil which rapresents two girls –  Polish and Brasilian friends

Frank Lucignolo with his kind of “haring”style and his tribuite to  miners who built the community in Esch Alzette.


Thank to Magda, Fred, Rene, MR Potasio,Zosia&Maria and  all of good people from the park:)
